Friday, March 25, 2011

outline for my presentation...

Student’s Name : Nur Aliah Bt Abdul Rahman

Faculty / Group : Faculty of Accountancy / AC 220 (4K)

Lecturer’s Name : PM Dr. Bernadette Foo Fong Lian

Title : How to Overcome Procrastination

General Purpose : To inform my audience about what is procrastination, who is a procrastinator, the reasons for procrastination, and ways to overcome


ü I was a student from Faculty of Accountancy; I have a habit of putting off work instead of attending to them right away.

ü It’s a habit to putting tasks off to the last possible minute; it has caused several lost opportunities or missed deadlines in my work.


1. What is procrastination?

ü Is the habit of putting off work instead of attending to them right away and the habit of putting tasks off to the last possible minute.

ü The word procrastination comes from Latin, Pro, "in favor of", and Cras, "tomorrow".

2. Who is a procrastinator?

ü Procrastinator is someone who puts off tasks at a later time, thinking they have the ability to complete tasks last minute.

ü They like to believe that they have things under control until confronted by the reality that time is fast running out and there are still loads of work to be done.

ü Even though you manage to complete the tasks on time, the quality is questionable.

ü The behavior pattern of procrastination can be triggered in many different ways, so each individual won’t always procrastinate for the same reasons.

3. Reasons for procrastination.

a) Desire for perfection

ü Aspiring for perfection is not a negative thing.

ü Make sure that it is realistic enough for your own skills.

ü Do not merely finding an excuse to postpone tasks that been given.

ü Believing that you must do something perfectly is a recipe for stress, and you will associate that stress with the tasks and thus condition you avoid it.

b) Frustration

ü When tasks become difficult, an individual’s response would be too given up easily due to frustration.

ü Complaining about the tasks, you often decide to put it off until such time.

c) Lack of belief in own ability

ü When you start doubting about your own abilities, you will find it of no use working on the tasks assigned to you.

ü You will lose productive time and end up accomplishing nothing.

d) Laziness

ü Feel too physically and emotionally drained to work.

ü When feel lazy, even simple tasks seem like too much work because your energy is too low compared the energy required by the tasks.

e) Overwhelm

ü Sometimes you may have more items on their to-do-list than you’re reasonably complete.

ü This can quickly lead to overwhelm, and ironically you may be more likely to procrastinate when you can least afford it.

ü Options for reducing schedule overwhelm include elimination, delegation and negotiation.

f) Lack of motivation

ü Your motivation will always remain weak if you not identify your inspiring purpose.

ü It’s time for you to discover your true purpose in life and embrace life as a mature adult.

g) Lack of discipline

ü Even when motivation is high, you may encounter tasks you do not want to do.

ü In these situations self discipline works like a motivational backup system.

ü When you feel motivated, you don’t need much discipline, but it sure comes in handy when you need something done but really do not want to do the work.

4. Ways to overcome procrastination.

a) Attitude adjustment

ü Personal attitude is the foundation of an individual's emotions.

ü Attitude isn't a static set of personal beliefs that a person is stuck with for the rest of their life. Attitude is an approach at anytime, anyone can decide to look on the bright side of things or not.

ü Other way to beat procrastination is by leading a healthy lifestyle. An unhealthy lifestyle makes a person much more susceptible to stress, which leads to feelings of being overwhelmed, which can lead to procrastination.

b) Scheduling

ü Help in organizing your daily and weekly life.

ü Two things are common to good schedules is they are both feasible and flexible.

ü Good schedule meets your abilities and provides enough reserve time.

c) Prioritizing task.

ü Prioritizing is the skills of reconciling these often conflicting attributes to determine which tasks ought to be performed first.

ü In a situation when there are more than one task is undertakes at once and completing of some tasks is a prerequisite for starting other tasks.

d) Making and using a daily tasks list

ü At the end of the day or at the very beginning of the day make sure to prepare to-do-list for the day.

ü List the entire task you need or plan to get done that day. Place the tasks in order of priority or grade their priority.

ü Throughout the day, focus on executing each tasks on the list, one tasks at a time, higher priority tasks first.

e) Changing habits

ü Procrastination is the habit of not getting started, so much as the lack of action.

ü If one acquires the habits of getting started, then not getting started is no longer an issue.

ü Acquiring new good habits through self training is keys to eliminating the bad habits of evasion and putting thing off.

f) Self rewards

ü Another method of self-motivation is self-administered rewards- a method which remind of reinforcement in psychology. Even the smallest accomplishing deserved an appropriate reward due after the tasks completed not before.

ü Applying a rewards structure for spending given amounts of time working on a chore.

ü Assigning someone else to give out the rewards helps remove temptation of taking the rewards anyway.

ü If you exercise rewards system strictly without cheating, there is high chance that you’ll be conquering your procrastination.


ü As we know procrastination is unhealthy habits so we need to overcome it or else it will affect our daily life.

ü Once you get started on one, you will find it easy to pick up the pace and before you know it, you are finished.

ü Learn to see procrastination not as a curse but as a challenge; as the necessary "weights" to build your emotional muscles.

ü Examine the beliefs you hold about yourself, your identity, for it will determine what you are willing do and controls your ability and capability.

ü Decision is the father of all action. Action flows from decision. Learn to use and utilize the power of a real and congruent decision.

p/s: just want 2 share with all of u....:-p