Friday, April 15, 2011


hari ni seorng sahabat sy bt presentation about FRIENDSHIP.... ape beza antara kawan baik. kawan rapat, kawan biasa, dan teman tapi mesra???? hmmmmm, ntah la ak pon x taw.... tp yg pasti sy punya seorng kawan baik @ ma BFF n beberapa orng teman rapat....
and thank 4 being the one ma fren...

A friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else.

jauh mcm mn pon kan ak x pnh lupakan ko cia... u r my best fren 4eva... ciyesly sjak hbs SPM dl masing2 tercampak jauh... tp ak x pnh lupakan ko, n i hope u know dat ok...

our memories... tp skrng ko da makin jauh...... jauh smp kadang2 aj x taw nak kejar ko mcm mn... tp mungkin keadaa memaksa kan... but~ dn't eva 4get about me dear :( cos u know me better than other people right... i need u moore than i need anyone else... n thank for that..

Remembering all our memories, and it’s times like these that I miss you most, remembering when we were so close

kenangan masa sekolah dl.... da 4 thn kita tgalkan.... hahahahahha...

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow, Don't walk behind me, I may not lead...

Just walk beside me and be my friend.

always be by my side ma fren.. because u r my strengths ...

n x lupa gak kwn2 ak yg sgt rapat ni~ thanks 4 being ma fren gak k.....

We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere and friend are forever, you might lose them but you'll never forget them..

p/s: miss u more than u know.... never forget our promise k dear.... mn pon ko pergi remember that yg ak syg ko sgt2.....